Friday, September 25, 2015

Good bye, old friend

The day has come. It's time to take this old dog to the vet one more time. Hard to believe he was born in 1999, the summer after Jonathan graduated from high school 16 years ago. He got Hemi that fall, and he's been a good dog from the start. Quirky, yes. Shiba Inus have personalities, intelligence, intensity and independence. But also a lot of devotion.

Hemi shared a lot of experiences with us, and we'll miss  him. But the curl has long gone out of his tail, and the fire in his eyes as well. He staggers about once again, a few steps at a time, then stands with his head in the corner. We know now it's our turn to be a good friend to him. This is hard.

Fare well, old friend, farewell.

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