Monday, November 30, 2015

Farewell, Shelby

Shelby came to live with us about a year and a half ago. As our son's no. 2 dog, she had been Hemi's sidekick and a fun part of the family for a dozen years before. Always energetic and full of joy, Shelby was the perfect dog. Walking, chasing tennis balls, lounging around the house and yard patiently when all the rest of us were too busy to play, she was a delightful addition to our household.

In February, when we brought home a new little Yorkie puppy named Quinn, we had a few concerns. Not to worry. She and Shelby were equally curious and enthusiastic about each other. It didn't take long for them to become fast friends and playmates, despite the 13-year difference in their ages. (Remember, in dog years that's 91 years.)

Shelby even taught Quinn how to chase tennis balls - which of course are too large for a Yorkie. But Quinn didn't know that, so the two of them romped joyfully in pursuit of the bouncing balls. Quinn even learned to bring them back, a fine point that Shelby was always fuzzy on. For her you needed at least two balls to play - one for her to drop when you threw the other.

I didn't realize just how much Shelby had brought into our lives until she died last Monday. We knew she wasn't 100% well, but more from the vet's blood tests than anything else. Even on Sunday she was chasing Quinn around, hogging the toys, just generally being Shelby. What a good friend! We'll miss her.  

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