Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's Like Mapquest for Trade Shows!

Let's assume, just hypothetically, that you're planning to go to the International Manufacturing Technology Show at Chicago's McCormick Place in September. (I'm actually going to be there, but you can just pretend.) This week the show released its free IMTS 2012 mobile app, and what fun!

Chicago's McCormick Place, where IMTS 2012 will be in September, has four large halls. Apps for trade shows have been around for a couple years, and they're helpful for things like finding where that pesky seminar room is, or what booth the Acme Widget Company is in. But the IMTS 2012 app has a new twist that's pretty cool - you can get directions to your next stop! It's like a mini-Mapquest for the show floorplan.

Even if you're only hypothetically interested, give it a try. The download is quick and free, and it will give your mind (and your imagination) a little exercise. Go to the app store, search for IMTS, and you're on your way! I'd love to know what you think of it.

(Meanwhile, these images are from the IMTS website - haven't yet figured out how to get a screen shot from the Android phone. But you get the idea...)

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